Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hip Cake

I have observed lately that cupcakes are outrageously popular here in fair Portland.  I feel I am qualified to make this claim for three reasons: I am a great lover of baked goods and pay careful attention when they're around; I am a frequenter of coffee shops, partly because they are great venues for sweets; and as of recently, I'm planning my wedding, and I've been surprised, as I trawl the internet for cake ideas, by how many bashful brides choose cupcakes over a large single cake.

There is one coffee shop-- Crema, on the corner of SE 28th and Ankeny-- that specializes in cupcakes, and I wanted to shine the spot on them for a moment.  For one, their flavors of cupcake are quite innovative.  Pictured is a Lemon Rosemary, but I've also witnessed flavors like Mexican Chocolate, and Red Velvet with Cream Cheese frosting.  And for another thing, they pile the frosting on to precarious heights.  To excessive heights, even.  If the frosting weren't of such high quality and didn't bear being eaten plain with a spoon after the cake part is gone, I might not be posting this here today.

If you should find yourself in Southeast Portland hankering after sugar, now you know where you need to go.

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