Friday, June 27, 2008

Mama Jammer

First off, before I even write my dismayed post for the day, I have to give a shout out to my mom's strawberry rhubarb jam.  WOW.  Quite possibly the best jam I've ever tasted.  I busted it open this morning for breakfast (with a little toast, of course) and didn't even make it to the table, but rather stood over the kitchen sink, munching in ecstasy.  Mom tells me she thinks it's the rhubarb that makes the jam-- gives it a roundness that strawberry alone doesn't have.  Whatever it is, it's damn good.  Too bad she doesn't market them, otherwise I'd put a link to her website right here: 

(I've got a photo of it too, but for some reason I'm not able to upload it right now.  I'll try again later.)

1 comment:

gardenpoet said...

Hey, thanks! That was a great batch, hey? Yes, the rhubarb adds dimension to the strawberries, which are otherwise just a level of sweetness. Maybe that's why little kids like strawberry jam so much! So...try making a strawberry-rhubarb pie?
Also, here's a company that does make jams and sell them, I haven't had any yet but am inspired by her interesting taste combinations: