Monday, October 27, 2008

Bare Naked Fridge

I can't resist a good, weird challenge.  When you defied your fellow bloggers to reveal the contents of their fridge I felt that inexplicable, sadistic call toward complete self-exposure.  So here it is.  If I am what I eat, then... hmm.  I must not be very exciting.  

A large tupperware full of shredded purple cabbage, leftover rice, soy milk, homemade vinaigrette, tortillas, cornmeal, pickles, cheap parmesan/sawdust... God, what do I EAT?  I swear I put together round meals on a regular basis...

The funniest part of this exercise, and really, the only reason I published the stricken state of my fridge for all to see, is my freezer.  Aside from a few non-descripts and some ice trays, check out the three main items, from left to right.  Ice cream.  Vodka.  Shrimp skins.

Come on, they're for stock!!

Thanks for the challenge,

P.S.  Melbourne rocks!  I spent a few happy weeks there once.  Betcha never heard of Hood River, Oregon.


GS said...

Dear Megan,

Glad you were up for the challenge. I love it that so many photos so far show non-dairy milk!

As for Hood River, well maybe not but close. I have camped at Mt Hood and eaten a lot tofu in Eugene.

People from the other side of the globe get around :)

Pop by and visit again sometime.

Anonymous said...

Hi Megan,

You probably don't remember me but this is Michael P, from Amoeba days. I've been trying to get in contact with you. I'm sorry to use your blog for this but time is running short. And this is the only way I could find you thus far. The Amoeba 401K is being termed and you have some money in the account. It needs to be cashed or rolled-over really soon, or the money will be lost.

If you can please call Kathy or Joe at Amoeba to get the info you need for cashing or rolling it over.

Once again very sorry to use your blog for this but there's less than a week before the money will be lost.

I hope all is well,

Michael P.